Mental Health Services

Mental health includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It affects how we think, feel, behave, and act. It also helps determine how we handle stress, relate to others, and make choices. Mental health is important at every stage of life, from childhood and adolescence through adulthood.

We provide many different interventions to help increase positive mental health to our clients and community members. We work in partnership and collaborate with our clients to identify their positive mental health goals and develop a plan of treatment.
Once the goals and treatment plan have been established, we can provide different types of mental health services that include Prevention and Early Intervention Evidence Based Practices, traditional therapy, psychiatric/medication support services, and links to low-cost/no-cost community services.
Our community mental health clinic is located at 4740 N. Grand Avenue, Covina, California. The clinic can be easily accessed by public transportation and there is ample parking space.

Prevention and Early Intervention Evidence Based Practices

Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT)

Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT) is an empirically-supported treatment for young children with emotional and behavioral disorders that places emphasis on improving the quality of the parent-child relationship and changing parent-child interaction patterns. By creating an interface between the scholarly activities of PCIT researchers and the expertise of front-line clinicians, PCIT International promotes healthy family functioning.

Seeking Safety

Seeking Safety is an evidence-based, present-focused counseling model to help people attain safety from trauma and/or substance abuse. It directly addresses both trauma and addiction, but without requiring clients to delve into the trauma narrative (the detailed account of disturbing trauma memories), thus making it relevant to a very broad range of clients and easy to implement.

Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT)

Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT) is an evidence-based treatment for children and adolescents impacted by trauma and their parents or caregivers. Research shows that TF-CBT successfully resolves a broad array of emotional and behavioral difficulties associated with single, multiple and complex trauma experiences.

Managing and Adapting Practice (MAP)

Managing and Adapting Practice (MAP) system is used to coordinate and supplement the use of evidence-based practice for children’s mental health. The system is not a single treatment model. Rather, it involves several decision and practice support tools to assist in the selection, review, adaptation, or construction of promising treatments to match particular child characteristics based on the latest scientific findings.

Aggression Replacement Training® (ART)

Aggression Replacement Training® (ART) is a multi-component cognitive-behavioral treatment to promote pro-social behavior by addressing factors that contribute to aggression in children and adolescents including limited interpersonal social and coping skills, impulsiveness, over-reliance on aggression to meet daily needs, and egocentric and concrete values. A cost benefit analysis by the Washington State Institute for Public Policy finds this program results in reduced criminal behavior and significant cost savings.

Traditional Practices

Traditional Therapy

Traditional Therapy is also provided by our clinic. Our qualified staff provides individual, family, and group therapy to address identified goals.

Therapeutic Behavioral Services (TBS)

TBS is an intensive, individualized, one-to-one behavioral mental health service available to children/youth with serious emotional challenges and their families, who are under 21 years old and have full-scope Medi-Cal.

The following lists the eligibility criteria for TBS services:

  • Child/Youth is placed in a group home facility of RCL 12 or above or in a locked treatment facility for the treatment of mental health needs; or
  • Child/Youth is being considered by the county for placement in a facility described above; or
  • Child/Youth has undergone at least one emergency psychiatric hospitalization related to his/her current presenting mental health diagnosis within the preceding 24 months; or
  • Child/Youth has previously received TBS while a member of the certified class; or
  • Child/youth is at risk of psychiatric hospitalization.

Obtaining TBS Services

Martin Marrufo, TBS Coordinator
(626) 859-2089

Psychiatric/Medication Support Services

Psychiatric/Medication Support Services are provided by our psychiatrist(s) and include assessment, prescribing medication when needed, medication education and the monitoring of medication.

Wraparound Services

Wraparound is a community based approach to treatment. It has evolved over the past 15 years through efforts to help families with the most challenging children function more effectively in the community: our homes and neighborhoods.

More specifically, it is a definable planning process that results in a unique set of community services and natural supports that are individualized for a child and family to achieve a positive set of outcomes. Our service is provided in the community and home.

The philosophy that spawned wraparound is relatively simple: identify the community services and supports that a family’s needs and provide them as long as they are needed.

San Gabriel Children’s Center unconditional commitment is a team-driven process involving the family, child, natural supports, agencies, and community services all working together to develop, implement, and evaluate an individualized plan of care. Our families are full and active partners in every level of the wraparound process.

Services and supports are individualized, built on strengths, and meet the needs of children and families across life domains to promote success, safety, and permanence in home, school and community.

The process of identifying needs is culturally competent, builds on the unique values, preferences and strengths of children and families, and their communities. Our plans include a balance of formal services (therapy, counseling etc.) and informal community and family supports.

Each family is provided support from guidance, emotional support, and financial support. The child partners with a Child and Family Specialist; the parent partners with a Parent Partner; and if determined necessary, a therapist is assigned to the family. This “Team” is guided by the family and includes a Facilitator to ensure plans are followed.

Obtaining Wraparound Services

For questions about how to obtain Wraparound services at San Gabriel Children’s Center, please contact:

Chloe Mclain-Fite, Program Manager, Wraparound Services

Short Term Residential Therapuetic Program

San Gabriel Children’s Center, Inc. operates two fully licensed Short-Term Residential Therapeutic Programs (STRTP) for children in the Eastern San Gabriel Valley. We believe that children in residential care must be provided a home-like environment while receiving collaborative and culturally competent mental health services. We serve children and their families from all over California.  Our philosophy of providing care to children in smaller home-like environments results in a greater likelihood of success.  Successful treatment also includes family finding, aftercare, and access to their communities.

Our STRTPs provide short-term, high-quality, intensive therapeutic intervention services including Specialty Mental Health Services. SGCC is not considered a long-term placement option. All services are designed to stabilize, support and transition children to a lower level of care on a case-by-case basis, consistent with the child’s needs and case plan.

Our STRTP referral process includes an evaluation by an Interagency Placement Committee (IPC) which considers Child and Family Team (CFT) recommendations, if available. A child is eligible for an STRTP if he/she:

— Meets the medical necessity criteria for Medi-Cal Specialty Mental Health Services;
— Is seriously emotionally disturbed; or
— Exhibits behavioral or treatment needs that can only be met by a STRTP.

In coordination with the CFT, stakeholders will plan for a successful transition to a home-based setting prior to and after the placement into an STRTP, consistent with the child’s needs and case plan.

Obtaining STRTP Services

For questions about how to obtain children’s residential services at San Gabriel Children’s Center, please contact:

Jennifer Woolery, Intake Coordinator

Field Capable Clinical Services

Field Capable Clinical Services (FCCS) are specialty mental health services provided to children ages 0-15. Both professionals and paraprofessionals deliver these services based on the needs of the children.

The focus of FCCS is on providing services to children and their families who may be reluctant or unable to seek services in traditional mental health clinics due to stigma, lack of funding, transportation or physical difficulties and/or geographic limitations.

This service is delivered in a multi-disciplinary team that consists of a therapist, a supervisor, a Parent Advocate and a psychiatrist (if needed) on a case-by-case basis. Mental health services are delivered in a setting that can illicit open communication and dialogue.

Obtaining FCCS Services

For questions about how to obtain this service at San Gabriel Children’s Center, please contact:

Anna Orozco, Director of Field Based Services

Obtaining Services

For questions about how to obtain an appointment at San Gabriel Children’s Center, please call 626.859.2089.